Joining the Think20 task force, a policy think tank for the G20

Think20 is the official policy advisory forum for the G20 leaders summit

Dr. Arjan Hijdra, director of the Vital Ports initiative, will join the T20 policy taskforce on Infrastructure investment and Financing. Dr. Hijdra was requested to join this group to provide input for sustainable Marine infrastructure policy proposals. These proposals will be made in preparation of the G20 Summit in Saudi Arabia in November 2020.

To create an inclusive and participatory G20 process, the G20 leaders commit to receiving the recommendations of the global civil society organizations, which are organized into engagement groups. Among these engagement groups is the Think20 (T20), which is responsible for connecting and collaborating with regional and international think tanks.

The T20 is an engagement group that contributes to the G20 by:

  • Serving as the ‘ideas bank’ of the G20
  • Providing research-based policy recommendations to the G20
  • Facilitating interactions between the G20 and the think-tank and research community
  • Communicating with the broader public about issues of global importance

The T20 produces a communique that incorporates​ the recommendations of the T20 task forces. The T20 Saudi Arabia communique will be shared with G20 leaders for their consideration in the G20 communique during the G20 Summit.

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